Monday, November 27, 2006

Hannah Engle Shabbat Candle Lighting

Hannah Engle, z"l, of blessed memory, was tragically taken from this world in January 2006 at the age of 25. Hannah was a light to all who knew her.

Hannah was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area. Growing up, she lived both in San Francisco and in San Rafael. Hannah attended Marin Academy and then UCLA. She spent her junior year abroad at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Most recently, Hannah was a graduate student enrolled in NYU's dual degree Masters program in non-profit management and Judaic studies. She also worked at the United Jewish Appeal.

In order to remember Hannah, I have started the Hannah Engle Shabbat Candle Lighting email. It is for people who wish to honor her by lighting Shabbat candles. The email comes out on Friday mornings each week listing the proper candle lighting times for NYC and California. Since Hannah loved Shabbat and would bring her friends together to celebrate the Sabbath, I thought this would be a great way to honor and remember her.

Subscribe to: Hannah Engle Shabbat Candle Lighting email

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1 comment:

Oyster said...

Hi Sarah Leah,

Thanks for your hard work and kindness in doing this for Hannah, z"l. Here's another post on Oy Bay about your project: